Monday at Angus Fala Worldwide (Now Under New Management)

Angus always said to make sure you always keep the staff at paws length and don’t become friendly with them. He said it gets in the way of training and discipline.

But Angus  isn’t CEO anymore. A new generation has taken charge,  and we don’t necessarily subscribe to those old management ideas.  Plus, this feels sooooo nice. (See picture below, Taken with Joe, an Angus Fala Worldwide Associate )

Ainsley McKenna, Chief Executive Officer
Angus Fala Worldwide Enterprises


16 thoughts on “Monday at Angus Fala Worldwide (Now Under New Management)

  1. Different styles of management Ainsley. While you enjoy a good belly rub & reward employees accordingly, Angus had his weakness for a new Devil Ball!! And I shudder to think about the bonus he would’ve given to anyone who brought him some cat food!! My personal management style involved “favors” too but that’s a topic for the next Wall St movie!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well…a good support staff is always required…..and must be treated with respect….beside any staff member that is will to give you rubs and soma scratching is worth a lot!

    The Mad Scots


  3. Joe looks like a good egg, so it’s def a win-win. I am sure you are a breath of fresh air to Staff. Has Angus’ official portrait as CEO been hung in the Board Room Yet…..he should get a 21 paw salute during the installation. Then everpawdy should adjourn to the dining room for boiled eggs and ice cream…what ‘cha think, Madam Chair ?


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